

Saturday, 9 June 2012

HOW TO TRAIN THE HUMAN SPIRIT. (By Pst. Clinton, Head Pst. CFi Uniport)


It is critical to grasp that man is a tripartite being. Spirit, Soul and Body.
Man is a spirit, has a soul and lives in a body. your spirit can be educated just as your mind can be educated. God communicates with the spirit of man not with his reasoning faculties. As you train your spirit ans as you instantly obey your spirit, you will find out hat you are obeying the Holy Spirit. it takes time to train the human spirit but its worth the effort.
In Prov. 20:27, The bible says "The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward  part of the belly. That means God is going to use your own spirit to guide you because the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord.

Four steps by which your spirit can be educated and built up.
1.  By meditating in the word
2.  By practicing the word
3.  By giving the word first place in your life.
4.  By instantly obeying the voice of your spirit.

The Greek word for meditation (melatao). Having access to the word is not enough, what we need is the hunger and thirst to read it, ponder it, pray it and and seek to do it.
The more we spend time in His word, the more the word itself will generate this hunger within us.
The  most deeply spiritual man and woman I Know are people who give time to meditation.
In Joshua 1:8, Joshua was instructed to meditate day and night. This (Meditation) implies a reading aloud  of the scriptures, a verbal and vocal instruction with God in his word, a mixing of the word with the spirit of faith, a mingling of reading and prayer, even singing of the scriptures.
In John 6: 57, it implies to chew, masticate, crunch or nibble more or less constantly.

Being the  doer of the word is not to keep the ten commandments. After all, we under the new covenant, have one commandment. that is the commandment of love john 13:34, Rom. 13:10.
being doer of the word means to do primarily what is written in the Epistle because those are the letters to church. The epistle belong to us.

Always put the word first in your life. Its  regrettable that many Christians only turn them to the word as a last resort   (2 Chronicle 16:12-13)
The word should come first in your life.

The human spirit has a voice, we call that voice conscience, sometimes we call it intuition, at times inner voice or an inward guidance from the Lord. the world calls it a hunch.
In Acts 27:10, Paul said "I perceive", Ladies and Gentlemen"not to perceive is to be dead"
Every man's spirit has a voice, whether he is saved or unsaved.
As you give your born again recreated spirit the privilege of meditating upon the word, your spirit gets correct information and it will then become an accurate guide.
Then you must learn to obey your spirit, your conscience, the voice of the recreated spirit, becomes the voice of God to you when it is trained.   


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